Thursday 13 October 2011

Looking for a publisher who accepts unagented work?

Don't despair. Here are some publishers who will look at unagented work, plus some other writing links which I hope may be useful.

Avalon Books
USA library publishers. Very sweet and traditional.

Avon Impulse
Digital line from USA publisher Avon.

Publisher of many kinds of romance. Bookstrand publishers mainstream romance, Siren publisher erotic romance. Siren-Bookstrand also publish menage romance.

Captiva Press
USA ebook publisher of romance.

Carina Press
Ebook press of Harlequin.

Champagne Books
Ebook publisher of mainstream romance, including historicals.

Choc Lit
A British publisher who will consider unagented work. Contemp and historical romance.

Decadent Publishing
Publish romance, YA, mainstream and nonfiction

Desert Breeze
USA ebook publisher of romance.

Ellora's Cave
Publisher of romance, erotic romance and romantica.

Entangled Publishing
Publisher of romance - say they bridge the gap between trad publishing and indie publishing.

Freya's Bower.
Ebook publisher of romance and erotic romance - closed for subs now until Sept 15th 2011.

Karen Fox
News of markets, publishers and agents.

Kensington Books
5th largest publisher in the USA. Will look at unagented work. Be ready for a long wait.

Leap of Faith Publishing
Leap of Faith Publishing are very new. They are looking mainly for romance but some mainstream, too, including thrillers and suspense, mainstream and self-help. They take short stories as well - 1000 to 2000 words.

Loose Id
Publisher of erotic romance.

Macmillan new writing
Macmillan new writing will take unagented work. tends to be mainstream or thrillers/crime. Closed for submissions at present, hope to re-open late in 2011 - keep checking the link.

Mills and Boon
The UK category and more romance publisher. Will consider unagented work. Be prepared for a 24 week wait.

Muse It Up Publishing
Canadian ebook and POD publisher.

Musa Publishing.
Ebook publisher. Will take sweet romance, historical romance including Regency, contemp romance. Musa also take Speculative Fiction, GLBT, Paranormal, Erotica and YA.

My Weekly Pocket Novel Guidelines
My Weekly Pocket Novel. UK publisher of romance seeking novels of 50,000 words.

Publishing Trove
This is a useful yahoo group where you can promote your work on Sundays and also pitch your work to publishers on other days. The files section here is full of info about different publishers and what they are looking for.

Robert Hale Publishers
A British publisher who will consider unagented work. Likes crime, thrillers, sagas, romantic suspense, westerns.

Secret Cravings
Ebook publisher.

Samhain Publishing
USA ebook publisher. Romance and erotic romance of many genres, also horror.

Sapphire Blue Publishing
Ebook publisher of many genres.

Place where writers can self-publish their fiction and non fiction work. They will publish it for free in the main formats and take a modest cut of the sale price. Smashwords will also supply you with a free ISBN, if you name Smashwords as the publisher. They also distribute to Kobo, Mobi, B&N Nook, Apple and other places. Not yet distributing to Amazon, though that may be forthcoming.

UK publisher. Mainstream. Will consider unagented work.

Sourcebooks will consider romance submissions without an agent.

The Wild Rose Press
USA ebook publisher of many kinds of romance.

Tor Publications
Fantasy and science fiction publishers who will take unagented submissions.

UK publisher of erotic romance.

Uncial Press
Ebook publisher taking a wide range of genres.

Whiskey Creek Press
Established ebook publisher in a number of genres.
Women's Fiction Magazine Guidelines. Very useful blog giving guidelines for various women's fiction magazines. The guidelines are available in the links down the right hand side of the blog.

Harlequin Historicals Undone
Highly sensual historical romance novellas, 10-15000 words in length. Will look at unagented work. Be ready for a possible 5 month wait.



Rosemary Gemmell said...

Great list, Lindsay. But may I correct the Champagne Books bit, please (they're my publisher!). They have three lines: Champagne is for any kind of mainstream or historical novel which is NOT erotic (mine is fairly sweet), their Carnal Passions line is for erotic novels, and their new Burst imprint is for sci-fi and fantasy. They also bring out most books in print version a few months after e-book.

Lindsay Townsend said...

Thanks, Rosemary! Duly amended. Lindsay

Barbara Elsborg said...

Lindsay - maybe add Decadent Publishing into this list - Heather was recently on the loop!!

Cathie Dunn said...

Fab list, Lindsay! A few interesting ones there. Thanks for sharing. :-)

Lindsay Townsend said...

Barbara - you're right! Now added Decadent Publishing and sorry to miss them the first time. They look very dynamic.

Thanks, Cathie.

Jenny Twist said...

Really useful list, Lindsay. Thanks, Jenny

Cecilia Robert said...

Wow, what a great list! Thanks for sharing, Lindsay.

Unknown said...

ohh..great publishers...

Looking for publisher

Picnics poetry is looking for publisher who can give ideas for educators on teaching poetry, make a career, voice your opinion in fun and interesting ways.