My latest novel A Sprig of Broom is published today in e-book form initially, at I say my latest book but really this is an old book with a new cover. It is in fact the first novel I ever had published. Published by Robert Hale Limited, in hardback, this medieval romance was the culmination of much research and many visits to the wonderful Middleham. John and I used to spend a lot of time there and in the Harlech area. The latter was my inspiration for Lord Llanaber's castle and lands. I loved it there and still do and I think it is this love that persuaded my heroine, Cecily Hadfield, that this was indeed a magical land.
A lot of water has gone under my bridge since this novel was published. I swopped genres going onto write contemporary and romantic suspense, as well as historical romance. The first day we heard that this novel had been accepted John and I drank champagne, and ever after he always bought me a bottle of champagne when I had a Hale novel accepted. Happy days, and, I am happy to say, many bottles littered our kitchen.
I wanted to publish this novel again because twenty two months ago I lost John. I guess I wanted to relive those happy days. Today I am not drinking champagne, I am just doing mundane things but somewhere deep inside my heart is singing. Lady Cecily has to learn to sing again too, and to a very different tune. She succeeded, I think I will too...
Oh Margaret, I'm so sorry that you lost John and yet so pleased that your book has been given a new lease of life. It really does feel like sign doesn't it, that life goes on. It's good that you have happy memories of celebrating when you had the story first published. I remember my excitement when that happened to me.
This is a very special book for you, Margaret. I hope you will get champagne and drink your toast as you always did. John is in your heart and that will never fade.
Thank you so much Beth and Barbara, your kind comments are much appreciated.
Funnily enough a friend came to dinner last week, Teresa did not know about the champagne but she had brought a bottle, which was lovely.
Happy memories do keep you afloat.
Hugs, Margaret. ((())) ((())))
I hope this book brings back many happy memories for you.
I hope you also find a whole new audience for it and your work.
Margaret, A touching post. Thank you for the look back at your career and at your first book. These are indeed different times in publishing and I, too, am so delighted that we authors have the opportunity to place our books in readers' hands, many of whom never saw them in their first incarnation.
Thank you all for your super comments.
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