But, imagine how
much more power the watcher would have if he or she were also the one calling
the shots, still not participating, but telling the sex partners what to do to
each other – especially if one of those involved is his mistress.
In my novella, Surrogates, even though he’s in love with his beautiful gardener,
Francie Carter, Daniel Alexander III takes his marriage vows very seriously.
Until he gets the nerve to ask his wife, Bel, for a divorce, watching each
other masturbate is all he can offer Francie. Then Dan convinces Francie to
allow his friend, Simon Paris, to be his surrogate – to have sex with her while
Dan watches and supervises. It’s a win-win. Dan stays faithful to his wife, and
with Simon’s help, he can keep Francie satisfied until he asks for a divorce.
With their yawner of a love life, Dan’s
wife, Bel, is enjoying her own version of borderline fidelity with her massage
therapist, Ellen. Bel can’t see the harm. After all, it's not proper sex if
it's with another woman, is it?
Dan’s discovery of Ellen and Bel trysts
strangely rekindles his passion for his wife. As sex with Bel gets kinkier and
better, and sex between Francie and Simon gets ever more sizzling, Dan thinks
he has the best of both worlds. But secrets don’t stay secret. Substitutes
aren’t the real thing. And in the end there are no surrogates for matters of
the heart.

Dan wasn’t
listening. ‘Francie, darling, I know how hard it is for you, with us not able
to really be with each other. I promise that’ll end soon, and we can be
together properly. But in the meantime, it’s not right me having Bel and you
having no one. So I’ve come up with a solution for us. Simon will be my
‘What?’ Francie
had pushed herself back against the sink as far as she could. Her heart raced
in her throat and her face felt like it would burst into flame. ‘You want me to
… You want us to …’ She nodded to Simon, then she glared up at him. ‘Is this
why you’re here?’
But before Simon
could do more than make a couple of fish gasps, Dan ploughed on. ‘Oh don’t you
see, darling, it’s so perfect. If I can’t be with you, if I can’t give you what
I know you so desperately need, then who better to help us both out that my
dearest, most trusted friend, Simon.’
‘He’s a
landscaper. He’s hired help just like I am.’ She sounded a lot more hysterical
than she meant to. What she wanted to sound was outraged. What she wanted to
sound was incensed.
‘No, sweetheart,
no. Simon and I are old friends. We went to uni together. We spent a wild
summer in Italy together. Darling, I’d trust Simon with my life.’ He shot Simon
a meaningful glance, then his gaze came to rest on her. ‘I’d trust him with the
person in my life I value most, the one I most want to make happy.’ He caught
his breath, and his face softened. ‘Please, darling. This is a gift, something
I can do for you. You can pretend he’s me. I can make love to you through
Simon, and you, anything you’ve wanted to do to me you can do to him.’
‘Anything?’ She
spoke around her racing heart, which felt like it would jump right out of her
anything, darling. Anything.’
‘Good.’ Before
she had time to consider what she was doing, she slapped Simon, hard, hard
enough that he recoiled. Both men gasped, and her hand stung like fire. But she
ignored the pain, squared her shoulders and looked Simon right in his now
watering grey eyes. ‘Then you can give him that for me.’
To her total
surprise, Simon did exactly as she said. He walked over to Dan and slapped him,
slapped him hard enough to knock Dan up against the staging table, slapped him
hard enough to draw blood where a tooth cut his lip.
The electric
silence that followed was interrupted only by the heavy breathing of all three.
The two men glared at each other for a moment, sizing one another up. Trembling
all over, Francie grabbed the edge of the sink for support, just as Simon
turned his back on Dan and came to stand in front of her. He stood so close his
breath ruffled the hair that had come loose from the clasp she wore it up in,
so close that the rise and fall of his chest beneath his T-shirt was impossible
to ignore, so close the heat rising from his body felt magnetic.
‘Does that about
sum it up?’ He asked.
For a second,
she thought she might cry. But instead, she threw her arms around his neck and
kissed him. She kissed him as hard as she had slapped him, like she wanted to
eat him up, like she wanted to crawl up inside his warmth. And he kissed her
back. Jesus, how he kissed her back! He kissed and nipped the hollow of her
throat around to the sensitive place below her ear, then he whispered in
between efforts to breathe. ‘If you want me to stop, tell me now before it’s
too late.’
‘Don’t you dare,
don’t you dare, don’t you dare,’ she gasped over and over again, guiding his
hand to the knot tied below her right breast that held her wrap-around dress
He yanked it
hard, then he shoved and pushed until the dress slid from her shoulders and
pooled on the floor around her gardening clogs. Somewhere in the periphery of
her mind she heard Dan’s fly unzip, a sound she’d grown used to over the past
few months, a sound that constantly taunted her with everything she could see
yet never touch.
But there were
other things to focus on today. Simon kissed his way down her sternum and
cupped her breasts, cupped them and kneaded them until her nipples strained
against the callouses of his stroking fingers. Then his mouth took over. What
her breasts lacked in size, they made up for in sensitivity, and her whole body
thrummed as he suckled and bit, nibbled and licked.
K D Grace was
born with a writing obsession. It got worse once she actually learned HOW to
write. There's no treatment for it. It's progressive and chronic and quite
often interferes with normal, everyday functioning. She might actually be
concerned if it wasn't so damned much fun most of the time.
K D's critically
acclaimed erotic romance novels, The Initiation of Ms Holly, The Pet Shop and
Lakeland Heatwave Book 1: Body Temperature and Rising are published by Xcite
Books and are available from all good paperback and eBook retailers.
Her erotica has
been published with Xcite Books, Mammoth, Cleis Press, Harper Collins Mischief
Books, Black Lace, Erotic Review, Ravenous Romance, Sweetmeats Press and
Scarlet Magazine.
Find out more
about K D Grace on her website, http://kdgrace.co.uk.
She's also on Facebook and Twitter.
As part of her Surrogates blog tour, K D Grace would like to give away a $25 All Romance eBooks Gift Card to one lucky winner. All you have to do is enter using the below Rafflecopter to be in with a chance of winning. Increase your chances of winning by visiting the other stops on the tour and leaving comments there, too! See where else K D Grace is visiting here: http://www.writermarketing.co.uk/prpromotion/blog-tours/currently-on-tour/k-d-grace/ a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks for having me on your lovely site at such short notice! Very much appreciated! Very happy to be here.
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I love finding authors new to me. I look forward to discovering more! Thank you.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com
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